DMII is Nationally Accredited!

DMII is Nationally Accredited! For Immediate Release: 07.26.2017 Contact: Courtney Spradlin 318.716.4115 [email protected] Digital Media Institute at InterTech now nationally accredited and participating in federal student aid programs The Digital Media Institute at InterTech (DMII), a one-year, accelerated digital media education program located in Shreveport, has been accredited by the Commission of the Council on […]
Covid-19 Response

A note from John J. Miralles, DMI Executive Director COVID-19 RESPONSE DMI students and friends, We are pleased to report that DMI has moved it’s programs to temporary 100% online delivery. Prioritizing our employees and students’ health and safety amid the current COVID-19 outbreak, we have adapted to doing business and continuing education in an […]
DMII is Nationally Accredited!
For Immediate Release: 07.26.2017 Contact: Courtney Spradlin 318.716.4115 [email protected] Digital Media Institute at InterTech now nationally accredited and participating in federal student aid programs The Digital Media Institute at InterTech (DMII), a one-year, accelerated digital media education program located in Shreveport, has been accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education(COE).* This accreditation […]
DMII Fall 2015 graduate Max Honig working at KTBS as motion graphics supervisor!
Max Honig, a DMII graduate, is making waves using the skills he learned in the Animation, Visual Effects, and Interactive Content Program. Shortly after he graduated in 2015, KTBS 3 News hired Max as an Animation and Graphic Design Specialist to work on motion graphics. Max says that his education at DMII opened the door […]
DMII graduates land on the Moon
Digital Media Institute at InterTech alumni complete internships at Emmy Award winning Moonbot Studios Two Digital Media Institute at InterTech (DMII) graduates recently completed internships at Moonbot Studios in Shreveport, and more are planned between the institute and the animation, gaming and storytelling studio for the future. Anna Buller and Aaron Culpepper both graduated from […]
New Virtual Reality Content for Oculus Rift!
DMII recently partnered with the team at SkyRunner to create a unique virtual reality experience-one that puts you in the drivers seat of the flying car! Check out the video below for more details!
AVEA Screening & Ceremony June 28!

The seventh annual Animation and Visual Effects Academy (AVEA) will have a screening of their short film The Amulet of Moranmu on Sunday June 28th at 11am at the Robinson Film Center! This is the second summer that AVEA has been held here at the Digital Media Institute at InterTech. The Animation and Visual […]
Great article about our school in the Metro Leader

Check out this article about DMII in the latest issue of the Metro Leader HERE!
DMII @ LA Comic Con

The staff and students of DMI had a great time at Comic Con this past Saturday and met a lot of cool people! Attached are a few pictures from our booth. We can’t wait until next year!
Workshop Series at DMII goes live.

Great turnout for our “Drawing for Animation” workshop. More to come!